Kelly D. Abell and I talk about how to overcome writer’s block with short stories! #amwriting #shortstories #historicalfiction
Originally posted on writewithkelly:
It’s really cold today, for Florida that is, and joining me on the porch is author Sheila Lamb. We’re bundled up under a fleece blankie with some vanilla lattes discussing how to over come writer’s block. I find her idea intriguing and plan to try it myself. Here’s what Sheila had to say:
A Companion Story…
I’ve loved writing the Brigid trilogy. Once A Goddess and Fiery Arrow are the first two books in the historical fantasy trilogy. For me, it’s been a long term project with stops and starts along the way. I’m even more excited about the accompanying short stories, connected stories that continue with secondary characters. Brawen’s Journey: Fire and Ash will be the first e-book short story, forthcoming from Solstice Shadows.
In the novel, Fiery Arrow, Brawen is kidnapped, along with Patrick, by Irish raiders. She manages to meet a different fate and in the novel…
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